Saturday, May 11, 2013

An Introduction

     I did more writing these past few weeks for classes then I've ever done. And the strangest thing happened. I enjoyed it. And some might even say I'm somewhat decent at it. So one day I was contemplating this very unusual thought, and the idea of publishing a blog came to mind.
     Today's my first full day of summer break. I've been looking forward to today for quite some time now. This past semester has been a long one, but I have also learned a lot. It's been very challenging, but also quite rewarding. There are a few things that I wish were different, but really there's only one thing I have a valid complaint about: the schoolwork kept me from my own studies. I was able to finish a study on the book of Romans, which was an incredible learning experience. But other than that, I've been limited to mostly just reading. I have been reading quite a lot of the Old Testament. The last few weeks I've been reading through Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. I've been finding some great stuff. Passages that I really want to explore more in depth. I wrote a lot of them down on a notecard with the idea, "I'm going to study this later." And now it's later.
     I've decided to blog because writing helps me organize my thoughts. And if I'm going to be writing, people might as well read it. So I hope to post 3-4 times a week on whatever it is I end up studying. Most likely on passages from Romans and Jeremiah. I hope that the blog will serve as some accountability for me to keep up the studies, and again, to help me organize my thoughts and learn more.
     I would greatly appreciate anyone commenting or discussing things discussed, or just saying that you read it. Both will encourage me to keep up the studying.

Also, I promise to try to use less contractions and starting sentences with "and" in the future posts.

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice idea. I enjoy learning about you. And to geto know more about your studies.. So hard to believe your all grown up.
